Kathy Brunner
Business and Entrepreneur Coaching

Hi There!  I'm Kathy and I am so glad you are here!

I coach individuals who aspire to leave their day jobs and build the careers of their dreams, and I help established business owners enhance their enterprises.
I’m passionate about what I do now, but there was a time when I longed to quit my job and pursue a different path.
 I’m a Christian who happens to be a coach, not a coach who happens to be a Christian. I approach coaching with an open mind, a good heart, and a free spirit.

 I want all my clients to know that I am committed to honesty, never overselling, overcharging, or misrepresenting what I can help them achieve.

When I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey, everything changed. I knew I never wanted to return to being "employed" by someone else. I didn’t want to trade my time for money or be dependent on someone else for my livelihood. The freedom and flexibility of entrepreneurship are invaluable to me.

 However, my journey wasn’t without challenges. I often felt like I was learning how to be an entrepreneur on the fly. The learning curve was steep, and while my business was successful, it was also incredibly stressful. My first venture might success came at the cost of fatigue, anxiety, and long hours.  

Then, I discovered how to scale a business more efficiently, and it made all the difference. As an entrepreneur, you’ll wear many hats, and it’s essential to be comfortable in all of them.

 I started my coaching business over a decade ago, having trained with some of the best coaches in the industry. This experience allowed me to grow my business faster and with significantly less stress.

Coaching entrepreneurs is my passion!  I believe that working with a coach who provides tailored tools and strategies is the best investment you can make in your business.

 I’m confident that I can help you achieve remarkable success and build the business of your dreams.  As your coach, I believe we’re in this together. Explore the Courses, Membership, or learn how to Work With Me. Let’s make your dreams a reality!  
And, don't forget to sign up for your Complimentary Consult!


When people want to really hone their skills and get better at something, they call in a coach. Elite athletes, Professional Actors and Singers all realize the value of having someone with expertise get you to a level you want to be. Coaching can help you learn skills more quickly and perfect those skills to see the results you want to see.

During your complimentary call we can discuss whether taking a specific program or individual coaching is right for you. Sometimes coaching is not recommended but perhaps connecting with another professional such as accountant, lawyer or designer would be in your best interest. Courses do include some individual coaching as well. Courses are offered at specific times while the Membership includes coaching but is open continuously.
The current course is GROW WHAT YOU KNOW (for people looking to start a business). The Membership is My Business Concierge (for current business owners looking to uplevel their business).
Pay Me By the MInute is individual coaching based on your needs.

If you commit to doing the "work" you should expect to see the results you requested. While I can't guarantee everyone will achieve a 6 or 7 figure income, I can assure you that you will be far better equipped to have a thriving business and make more money than you might ever have been able to achieve without coaching.  I look at coaching as a WIN/WIN proposition. The better I can help you grow a thriving business, the more my own business thrives.
My goal is to help you be as successful as you choose to be in the most efficient and practical way possible.
I never lead my clients on to believe I can offer them something I know would be impossible to achieve just to get their money.
Coaching should be a valuable and result driven venture!

Everyone is different but I generally recommend purchasing coaching (Pay Me By the Minute) in the units you will need to reach a goal. That way you can accomplish the goal before you decide if you need to purchase additional units. Sometimes people work with me periodically and others choose to work with me for a more intense period
GROW WHAT YOU KNOW is a 10 week course that will get your business up and running.
Many business owners like the membership (My Business Concierge) because it offers them a consistent coaching connection in a community with like minded individuals (weekly activities and coaching)

 A good coach should have walked the path you want to walk. I started my first business while raising three young children so I understand what it is like to need flexibility. I also have had several coaches and I didn't learn more from coaches who were more expensive but rather from coaches who worked with me to achieve an outcome I wanted.  I don't want my clients throwing money away learning things that are "fluff" or not really essential for achieving their goals.
I am invested in your success from the minute you invest in me!

The GROW WHAT YOU KNOW course is a 8 week training that will help people narrow down a business idea and create an income stream around it.From learning how to position your business to how to market what you offer and reach your audience more effectively GROW WHAT YOU KNOW is a great way to develop essential skills to open the business of your dreams. Weekly coaching, Q & A's and specific training is part of the program. Many of my wildly successful business owners started with GROW WHAT YOU KNOW and Loved It!

My Business Concierge is for anyone running a business who needs some help in growing their business, advice for problems that arise or just wants some tips for helping their business run more smoothly! This is a great community that offers training, Q&A, live coaching and support to business owners. I recommend you have been an entrepreneur for at least a year to maximize joining My Business Concierge at any time. It's an amazing investment for business owners. Like having their own coach at their fingertips!

You can learn about Courses and Memberships and see what others had to say about them by clicking on the tab on top of this page!